[Felvtalk] Destiny..

ROBERT CHAPEL bchapel at optonline.net
Sun Jun 25 08:54:38 CDT 2017

So Sorry to  hear about Destiny... was afraid it was something like this 
when it was discovered  that she was FeLV+....  My Current Cat ( 
Gilbert) is suffering much the same fate ( apart from the FeLV)... I am 
keeping him on Prednisolone to keep the tumor in check for as long as we 
can... and just last week he developed what appeared to be a sinus 
infection ( though none of his exudate is purulent at this point) In his 
case the tumor makes it impossible to _ close_ one of his eyes all the 
way( so I give him drops several times a day to keep some moisture on 
the eyeball....  We'll put him down at the point that he stops eating or 
appears to be in severe pain... neither has happened as yet...  I will 
miss him terribly... he is one of the nicest cats I have ever met...  
Appears we have all been very fortunate to have beautiful kitties with 
terrific personalities in our care and equally unfortunate in losing 
them SO far before their reasonable time.... Your girl sounds like she 
was a sweetie.....  I am sorry...

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