[Felvtalk] Maynard-Tabby Boy

mirna m mirna.mirnocka at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 23 16:13:31 CDT 2018

Hi!I am new here:)I have absolutely no experience with FeLV but my rescue group does,but this last cat has us all confused.I picked up a small boy last wednesday,about a year old, extremely emaciated,1.5kg, 39.7 degrees Celsius temperature,severe nasal and occular discharge ,difficulty swollowing.As it was evening, he got the basic atb's, Baytril and Gentamicine and we went home.This is were the real trouble stared as he wouldn't eat.I situated him in another building in the yard,as I have 8 cats,all of them rescues. Next morning we hurried to the vet,and after doing the test,he was FeLV positive.He stayed for an IV,and in the afternoon I picked him up.He also got uniflox eyedrops,something for his ear parasites,and I clean his nose,and that is it.He was too weak for deworming or anything else.He started eating that same afternoon,gotten a lot better but due to a nose discharge,the vet changed his atb yesterday to amoxycillin and gentamicin...and it was fine untill this morning.We went to the vet,he got his shots and as soon as I put him back in the transporter to go home,he had a seizure.My heart stopped as I thought he was having an anaphylactic shock.But he came back in seconds,and I left him so he can get therapy and IV fluids.Came back on the afternoon,we made arrangements we would just go back on Baytril the next morning.Started walking to m car,he started a series of sneezes,unable to stop,and there it was again,a really short .I rushed him back in, but by the time he was on the table,he was fine.The vet gave him glucocorticoids(I know they are bad)in case of a continuous allergy reaction.I really don't know what is wrong.He started getting better,even gained 0.2kg in a few days and now this.I did not want to leave him there as he is uncomfortable and no one works there at night.We got home,he was incredibly hungry and wanted to eat a lot,also we cuddled and I left him.Usually,since the moment I picked him up,he would usually go to sleep but now he just sits,like he is waiting for me.I want him to rest and to sleep.I am so afraid of tomorrow morning an his shots.I really don't know if this was stress or a real reaction to drugs,or epilepsy or something else.Also a bit worried because of glucocorticoids.Any insight would be helpful and truly appreciated.Sorry for the long post.
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